Honina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Optical information technology department

Leading researcher,
Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, professor

Molodogvagdeiskaya st., 151-217

+7 (846) 333-61-23


Publications: author and co-author of over 400 academic papers, including 7 monographs.
H-index: 21 (Google Scholar), 22 (Russian Science Citation Index), 17 (Scopus).
Total number of citations: 1614 (Google Scholar), 2250 (Russian Science Citation Index), 1432 (Scopus).
Number of publications in last 5 years: 195, including journals covered by Web of Science: 41; Scopus: 73; Russian Science Citation Index: 156.

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"Diffractive axicons to increase the efficiency of solar cells "

CEUR Workshop Proceedings - Vol. 1638, p. 103-110

Podlipnov V. V.Porfiriev A. P.Degtiarev S. A.Honina S. N.

"Geometric-optical calculation of the focal spot of a harmonic diffractive lens"

Computer optics - 2016, Vol. 40, № 3, p. 331-337

Haritonov S. I.Honina S. N.

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