Optical information technology department
Publications: author and co-author of over 220 academic papers, including 8 monographs.
H-index: 18 (Google Scholar), 19 (Russian Science Citation Index), 12 (Scopus).
Total number of citations: 1357 (Google Scholar), 1691 (Russian Science Citation Index), 631 (Scopus).
Number of publications in last 5 years: 112, including journals covered by Web of Science: 42; Scopus: 59; Russian Science Citation Index: 103.
Education and certificates:
1983: graduated with honours from secondary school 19, Tolyatti
1989: graduated with honours from Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (presently Samara State Aerospace University), programme “Applied Mathematics”, System engineering faculty (presently Information science faculty)
1993: defended a PhD thesis, programme 01.04.01 “Physics experiment technique, physics of instruments, automation of physical research” at the Central Design Bureau of unique instrumentation of the RAS (Moscow); completed a PhD in Physics and Mathematics
1996: received the title senior researcher atthe Image Processing Systems Instituteof the RAS
2001: defended a doctoral thesis, programme 01.04.05 “Optics” at SSAU’s Dissertation Council; completed the degree of Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics
2006: received the title associate professor of Technical cybernetics department at SSAU
2009: received the title professor of Technical cybernetics department at SSAU
1988–1993: technician, later a software engineer at the Samara branch of the Central Design Bureau of unique instrumentation, the USSR Academy of Sciences
1993–1996: researcher at the Image Processing Systems Institute (IPSI)of the RAS
1996–2002: senior researcher at the IPSI of the RAS
2002–2013: leading researcher at the IPSI of the RAS
2013–present: chief researcher at the IPSI of the RAS
1999–2000: teaching assistant of Technical cybernetics department at SSAU (part-time)
2001–2006: associate professor of Technical cybernetics department at SSAU (part-time)
2006–present: professor of Technical cybernetics department at SSAU (part-time)
1995–2007: consultant on energy-saving lighting systems at Fiat (part-time)
2014–present: leading researcher at NIL-97 of SSAU (part-time).
The Governorate Prize of Samara Region “Natural Sciences and Mathematics”, 2011
Certificate of Honour of the Russian Academy of Sciences “For a significant contribution to the development of the Image Processing Systems Institute, a federal state budget institution of the RAS” (order of the RAS Presidium No. 10105-368 dated 29 April 2013).
Research experiences: development of optical information technologies, in particular, different methods of calculating periodic diffractive structures, diffractive optical elements (DOE), optical devices using DOE; various methods of calculating lighting devices, methods of metrology structures in ellipsometry.
L. L. Doskolovich participated in a number of contract research projects for research organisations, including the Fiat Research Centre (Italy), LG (Korea), Abeam Technologies (USA). He supervised the projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF).
Main research interests: development of methods for calculating and modelling diffractive micro- and nanostructures, plasmonics, magneto-optics; development of methods for calculating and modelling lighting devices; nanometrology for periodic structures based on ellipsometric approach; development of software for diffractive optics.
Public activities: member of three dissertation councils of SSAU.
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No presentations
"Diffraction-grating-based Bloch surface wave refractive index sensors"
CEUR Workshop Proceedings - Vol. 1638, p. 49-54
Kadomina E. V.Bezus E. A.Doskolovich L. L.
"Additive manufacturing of a trifocal diffractive-refractive lens"
Optics Communications - Vol. 372, p. 235-240