Sergeev Vladislav Viktorovich

Geoinformation technology department

Leading researcher,
Doctor of Engineering (higher doctorate)

Moskovskoe highway, 39B

+7 (846) 267-49-06

Research experiences:

Digital signal processing and analysis, pattern recognition, geographical information technology, and information security.

Supervised a number of R&D projects, including Federal scientific and engineering programmes, RFBR grant projects, contract research projects for research organisations and enterprises.

Author and co-author of over 270 research papers and teaching materials, including 4 monographs, 5 patents of invention in the Russian Federation.

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Исследование возможности использования космических снимков для выявления археологических объектов

Kopenkov V. N.Sergeev V. V. Proceedings of the Тринадцатая Всероссийская открытая конференция "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса" Space Research Institute of RAS, Moskow, Russia

Применение данных ДЗЗ различного разрешения для выявления курганных могильников

Kopenkov V. N.Sergeev V. V. Proceedings of the 2-ая Международная научная конференция «Региональные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли» (РПДЗЗ-2015) Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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"Hyperspectral remote sensing data compression and protection"

Computer optics - 2016, Vol. 40, № 5, p. 689-712

Gashnikov M. V.Glumov N. I.Kuznecov A. V.Mitekin V. A.Myasnikov V. V.Sergeev V. V.

"A parametric model for the autocorrelation function of space hyperspectral data"

Computer optics - 2016, Vol. 40, № 3, p. 416-421

Sergeev V. V.

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