04/2014: the contest of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) for financing projects of the newly established research laboratories has been announced,
08/2014: announcing the winners of the contest for grants in the priority RSF activities “Fundamental research and exploratory studies conducted by a scientific organisation and a higher education institution within newly established common laboratories,”
11/09/2014: signing agreement No. 14-31-00014 between RSF and SSAU concerning the grant project of fundamental and exploratory research “Laboratory of advanced technologies for Earth remote sensing” within the priority “Complex scientific research for improving the human environment,”
26/09/2014: the decision of establishing the laboratory by SSAU’s academic council,
29/09/2014: SSAU’s order No. 306-O “Establishing the laboratory of advanced technologies for Earth remote sensing,”
30/09/2014: establishing the regulations for the laboratory of advanced technologies for Earth remote sensing.